On behalf of the board and management team of Brainwave Science, Krishna Ika, the President, and CEO of Brainwave Science announced that the company will be officially changing the name of it’s primary offered technology solution – Brain Fingerprinting to iCognative, effective March 11, 2019. This change reflects its growth into leading the market in a new direction of brain-based, cognition-based technology. Out of its core competency and driven by its clients’ business challenges, Brainwave Science team has designed a whole new approach in the development of its iCognative technology to serve needs of its partners as well as its clients at a global scale which includes services related to product application as well.
Over the last five years, Brainwave Science corporate management team and the board has taken the name Brain Fingerprinting to a new level of recognition. In view of ever-expanding global reach, it is the right time that this important new development is met with new expansion in new frontiers, new beginnings come with a brand-new product name. Brainwave Science board and management believes that this name change will allow them to present themselves as truly the most state-of-the-art and trusted interrogation solutions company to explore the unexplored frontiers in the markets they serve, especially in law enforcement and national security areas including counter-terrorism, border security, human and drug trafficking, customs and immigration as well as an investigation even when evidence is not available.
By rebranding their main technology’s name, Brainwave Science endeavors to provide their customers with the most innovative and advanced version of Brain Fingerprinting technology. With this very important re-branding exercise, Brainwave Science’s team is at the cusp of dominance in the industry with its disruptive iCognative technology, ready to serve customers and partners on a global scale.
A new logo and marketing message has been created – iCognative – is a symbol of intelligent innovation that derives names from words intelligent and cognition but with a twist of “a” to emphasize the technology’s difference from other products using the word cognitive. In addition to performing all relevant formalities, Brainwave Science has applied for this new trademarked name to be used moving forward instead of Brain Fingerprinting for its highly applauded and recognized technology in its most innovative and revolutionized form.
“Our commitment to our customers and partners remains our highest priority. We are highly excited about the new name of our prime technology solution offered by Brainwave Science and see this as a pivotal step in a direction where our company is ready to establish itself as the pioneer of revolutionizing the whole security and investigations market,” says Krishna Ika President and CEO of Brainwave Science.